Serve at a McDonalds and Earn $31,500…Serve Your Country as an E2-Private(Army) and Earn Less Than $18,283…Goodbye 1ST Amendment..and How To Finance the Upcoming War!

Prediction for tonight:

Obama will, as expected, come up way too short on making any substantial progress regarding the World In Collapse Mode and has already hinted what he will NOT DO. He cannot( Our Constitution forbids it, FOR NOW) and will not declare war in any shape or form. I assume he will, once again, do the relentless Obama Shuffle and just delay any attempt to act until after the mid-term elections in about 6 weeks. So after tonight and a few days of criticism, Congress will once gain go on Spring Break (they call mid term recess to enable both parties to spend a lot of money, air time and HOT AIR time blowing smoke up anyone’s buttonhole who will listen). This is both sides of the Washington toilet bowl that I’m talking about. In fact, a good idea  or restaurants is to rename their rest rooms to: Dems and Reps and Tea (Pee) Potties.

Hillary?? Where is she? She is harder to find than Waldo. She just might be in Florida checking the tide levels. Remember, Hill, there is a high tide and a low tide and they are now at the same time and according to your speech at your fundraiser last week is the MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM facing America right now.

Pitiful as it actually is, one can make 150% more working at Mickey D’s or any fast food restaurant @ $15 an hour than serving in the US military. Like a Whopper, this is hard to swallow.

Auf Wiedersehen 1st Amendment. With a Democratic bill to be voted on by the Senate later today, many blogs like this and others will be outlawed, monitored, or deleted. Democratic Senator Markey from MA wants a select few to potentially criminalize thoughts and words at his obscure soon to be named agency’s discretion. Very much attune to the IRS and its shenanigans targeting Republican organizations and individuals, The power starved Democratic Senator Markey has a thirst for such legislation. Although he does not have any visible support at this time and it should be ruled unconstitutional. This seems to be another diversion away from the issues at hand like Russia, Syria, Hamas, Pakistan, ISIS, ISIL and renaming the NFL Washington Redskins. I have the solution for the latter. They can still be called the Redskins but they will be named after “The  Washington Redskin Potatoes”. Now both sides are happy campers. Just put little red potatoes with wings on the sides of their helmets.

So on to the financing of the War

Step #1. Hunt down and execute any and all members of the radical Islam organization, ISIL or ICIS, like Nazi war criminals and eradicate all of them out of existence. These fanatics have already come out of their
tailored dishadasha’s and gave notice that they want to kill all Americans. Sounds like they don’t need to be captured and given a trial. Just a put them on the HOV lane to meet their maker. Now, a taste of Muslim 101… In reality, most Muslims are like the average Christian. They call themselves Muslims and are basically materialistic. They want a good job and hopefully a comfortable good life. They believe in heaven ,like most of us, and a Judgment Day whereby God will still decide if you’re a keeper or go to hell and burn in your sins. This “jihad” thing is supposed to be a guaranteed ticket to the Big Game of Everlasting Life. The “holy war” thing has a couple of parts (like exemptions}S) IT IS NOT COMPLETELY NECESSARY FOR A MUSLIM TO PHYSICALLY FIGHT FOR THE MUSLIM CAUSE.  SOME OTHER CHOICES INCLUDE: A MUSLIM COULD WRITE A BOOK ABOUT MUSLIM AND GET A FREE RIDE TO THE PROMISED LAND OR BY SHARING HIS FAITH TO BRING OTHERS TO ISLAM. I guess most terrorists leave this class early, rush out, put a bomb vest on and don’t realize they have options. That is the choice that they have made so shame on them.

Step #2  Regarding the elimination of those who have declared their intentions against American lives and other free nations, I will include ANY AND ALL INTERNET AND COMPUTER HACKERS in the same sack of crap.. Hackers are committing technological rape every time they steal one iota of information from an innocent woman, man, company, organization or group. NO PRISON TERMS SEEM TO WORK OR CHANGE BEHAVIOR so in my opinion a quick and just death penalty should bring the majority of this to a screeching halt. These can be considered a touch extremist but let’s get rid of two diseases and start again after we all get realigned at some future date.

Step #3. How about REDUCING the usurious Federal Income Corporate tax rate from 35-39% (the rate varies depending on the source) and bring it down to a flat 25%). This in conduction with a 5-7% Emergency Homeland Security Fund that will be used SOLEY for increasing the pay scale and pensions for all of our military personnel at least by 100%. This is still not enough compensation for what they bring to the table but long overdue. Our soldiers cannot even make mortgage payments and overall living expenses while they have their lives on the line. The proposed tax could be supplemented by a tax on corporations, LLC’s, and PC’s of about 5-7% which this taxpaying group should be more than happy to cough up because if the reduction in the 35-39% Rate presently being paid. I believe that this will bring about a major reconsideration on behalf of companies that are considering “corporate inversions” to relocate a larger company from taking over a smaller company in a country with a much lower tax rate and using that as their home for tax reasons. At a lower tax rate of about 25%, US based companies would be more competitive on many levels leading to more revenues and job creativity resulting in more income for employees, less dependence on government handouts. I’m proposing a “Rosie the Riveter” mentality representing American women who worked in factories during World War II and is commonly used as a symbol of feminism and women’s economic power and influence.

Step #4 How many Americans get a sour stomach when they read about the truly exorbitant salaries professional athletes, Board of Director Salaries for all public and private companies, movie “shooting stars” (I call “shooting stars” this because they really don’t last that long before they find a way to implode their careers i.e. Lindsay Lohan, Justin Bieber, R. Kelly, all of the Kardashian’s, Alex Rodriquez, etc., etc. So let’s have a VAT (Value Added Tax) of 5-7% on all professional salaries including royalties, endorsements along with their salaries.

These initiatives alone will produce billions of dollars that would be held in a trust that could not be borrowed against(like Social Security) or spent in any way except on the troops and veterans.

Estimates are that there are about 18,000 ICIS militants now and growing about 500 recruits a week. That is our target and the rest of the free world’s. We can do this by toasting 100 ICIS a day for 180 days.. 100X180= END OF PROBLEM

“Ninety-nine percent of all lawyers give the rest a bad name.”

“Women are smarter than men because they listen.” Phil Donahue

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About L R Turel

Humorist, Observer, Commentator, Satirist. "Not all snake bites are bad."
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